The Haze is back, Recommendation for Cabin(Aircon) Filters

The Haze is back and it is hitting unhealthy to hazardous PSI's this month.

Normal Cabin filters will do their job to filter out main most dust particles to keep both the salon
and the cabin air clean. But regular filters do not take care chemicals which are present in the air. 

Use Carbon Activated Filters 
Carbon Active filters do a great job of filtering out chemicals which are present in the air,
especially during this time of 
haze, we recommend switching to carbon filters.
Activated carbon is a great component which commonly used the
component in many industries of:
-Air purifiers used 
(home, offices and even industrial uses)
-Gas Masks
-Medical industries to treat poisoning
much more...

In our range lookout for alternatives where we offer carbon filters for almost all of our cabin filter range.

Note 1: JS 
and Azumi part numbers have a "C" at the end of the part number.
Note 2: Carbon filters absorb a lot more into themselves therefore under normal conditions they tend to last about half the lifetime of a regular filter.
Note 3:  Some vehicles have 2 individual cabin filters where the 1st slot is designed for regular filtration and 2nd is for carbon active filter.


If you would like to know more about activated carbon you may check out this wiki page: